Thursday, 20 March 2014

Singing happy Swedish songs

Fyra bugg och en Coca-Cola!

Vill du leva och vill du dansa?
Våga skratta och våga chansa?

Eh, I've been playing Singstar. I'm really bad at singing, but unfortunately I really like to sing. Don't worry, I won't upload any videos of me singing here. Instead I will tell you about a couple of amazing songs I've discovered while playing this popular PlayStation game. 

Recently we discovered that you can buy songs in Singstar and I wanted to buy this one so that I could practise Swedish:

Haha, this song is so much fun! Especially when you do the dance while you sing it. It's okay, I don't know what they sing about either... Something about four chewing gums and a Coca-Cola.

Do you want to live and do you want to dance?
Do you have the courage to laugh and to take a chance?

That's what life is all about right?

That song makes me so happy. We also bought another song which is not Sweden's Eurovision entry from 1987. But it is another awesome song from Sweden.

Amanda Jenssen via Singing Girls.

This is fantastic! Why did no one tell me about Amanda Jenssen before?

I don't know why I'm so excited, but maybe I just have a thing for really femme girls with a hint of masculinity? I'm glad that no one's tried to create statistics of how many times a day I look at a picture of Katy Perry. Eh, I'm only slightly obsessed.

People say that I drink too much
But I'm as happy as I can be
Hanging by my amarula tree

Amarula Tree is also a very happy song. Kind of hippieish. I haven't listened to Amanda Jenssen enough to say, if all of her songs are like that, but at the moment she reminds me a lot of Sandi Thom.

I love this song! I love everything about it. It was my favourite in 2008.

Okay, okay, Sandi Thom is not from Sweden, she's from Aberdeenshire. But in my last post I said that I need more reasons for being enthusiastic for living here. And this definitely is one.

I think the world would be a better place if everyone would listen to more happy songs. I mean seriously, why are most Finnish songs so depressing? Most folk songs are fairly depressing too, they just play them as if they were happy.

Sandi Thom via KidWhit.

What kind of music do you listen to? Any happy songs?


  1. Its an interesting songs I like it specially the I wish I was a Punk Rocker with flowers in my hair :) from Sandi Thom :)

  2. Personally, I'm really quite fond of more alternative songs like Birdy and Lorde, but these are great! Thanks for sharing! :D

  3. Mun ja sun lauluvideot on ainakin hyviä! Mä en ole välttämättä sitä mieltä, että iloisen musiikin kuuntelu tekisi ihmisistä iloisempia. Voi toki auttaa monia ihmisiä, ja nämä tämän postauksen laulut ovat kyllä aika ilostuttavia! Mutta toisaalta joku ei vain tykkää sellaisesta, vaan saa iloa ja energiaa esim. juuri siitä masentavasta suomalaisesta musiikista. Suomalainen musiikki on kyllä pääasiassa masentavaa, jos ei säveleltään, ainakin sanat sitten on. Onneksi on kuitenkin Robin. Mutta kyllä mua ilostuttavat myös ne "masentavat", mutta myös tällaiset iloiset.

    1. Mun musiikkimaku ehkä vain vaihtelee kovin. Nyt on tällainen kausi, että haluan kuunnella vain iloista musiikkia. Ehkä vähän saa toki olla sellaisia maailmankaikkeuden merkillisyyteenkin liittyviä sanoja, jotka eivät ole superiloisia vaan lähinnä vaikuttavia. Ja vähän surullisuutta. Mutta pääasiassa sellaista, että elämä jatkuu ja vahvana. Juuri sellaista kaipaan nyt.
