Remember my "...andthatswhoiam" -posts? They can be found under the tag being myself. I used them as a method of therapy, because I struggled with situations when I had to introduce myself or tell someone about myself. It clearly helped because I actually went to a job interview last Friday!
But I haven't actually shown you all the pictures that I chose from that website last autumn! So now I'm going to tell you a little bit more about myself.
I love travelling. I want to see everything. I feel like the best thing to spend your money on is to travel and see all the different places and meet people who come from different backgrounds than you do. It will widen your views and help you grow as a person. You will get memories that you'll never forget. It will help you become less materialistic and you'll start to appreciate your experiences more.
I'm the exploring kind of traveller. I find it hard to just do what the tourist guide book tells me. I want to find out things myself. I might go to the tourist information to get a map, in case I get lost (which unsurprisingly happens quite a lot), but my favourite activity is to just wander around aimlessly in a new city. I've never been on a beach holiday, because I think I'd find it difficult to just lie there getting burned, when I could be exploring all the suspicious side alleys and getting to know some interesting local people.
Did I ever mention that I'm a big Doctor Who fan? How many TARDIS-themed things have you noticed on my blog? The whole concepts of being able to travel through space and time really fascinates me. There must be more out there. And there is a reason why I ended up with a degree in Archaeology. But I'm stuck in this time and our planet. Which really isn't that bad after all. Exciting things are happening in our time, with all the digitalisation and equality movements. Scary and awful things are happening too, and there are many places I don't even want to travel to at the moment thanks to their political situation. But there's still at least half a planet left which I could and would like to explore.
I have a funny feeling that the only reason why I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit films is the fact that they are shot in New Zealand. That's one place I would really love to travel to. Originally, I wanted to spend an exchange year there, but it never happened. It's the furthest place on Earth I could travel to, which probably makes it even more exciting.
Finnish people don't make friends easily, which is kind of a problem. I have, however, met amazing people from all over the world. I wish I'd find it more natural to open up to people and actually make life-long friends and to stay in touch more.
I love learning to get to know this planet. I want to explore my options before I decide where I want to settle down to. I feel that there's no point feeling miserable with my life, if I don't want to go and see how people live elsewhere. Maybe there's a place that is more suitable for me than the place where I'm now? And if not, there's nothing better than that feeling of coming back home.
P.S. Here's a map of the places I've conquered so far.
Travelling has probably always been my favourite thing to do. I'm from a small town, but it does have a travel agency. I used to go there and carry a copy of all of their brochures home. I loved looking at all the pictures and dreaming of all the places I could go to. Unfortunately, my mum's idea of travelling was to catch a ferry to Sweden, and to stay on it and head back home straight away, without even setting a foot on the ground. Once I was old enough to travel, I cached one of those ferries and went to see what Sweden really looked like.
I'm the exploring kind of traveller. I find it hard to just do what the tourist guide book tells me. I want to find out things myself. I might go to the tourist information to get a map, in case I get lost (which unsurprisingly happens quite a lot), but my favourite activity is to just wander around aimlessly in a new city. I've never been on a beach holiday, because I think I'd find it difficult to just lie there getting burned, when I could be exploring all the suspicious side alleys and getting to know some interesting local people.
Did I ever mention that I'm a big Doctor Who fan? How many TARDIS-themed things have you noticed on my blog? The whole concepts of being able to travel through space and time really fascinates me. There must be more out there. And there is a reason why I ended up with a degree in Archaeology. But I'm stuck in this time and our planet. Which really isn't that bad after all. Exciting things are happening in our time, with all the digitalisation and equality movements. Scary and awful things are happening too, and there are many places I don't even want to travel to at the moment thanks to their political situation. But there's still at least half a planet left which I could and would like to explore.
I strongly believe that understanding the language of the place you travel to helps you get more out of the trip. The more you understand the language the more you understand the culture. And vice versa. Travelling is also the key to learning languages. When you need to find a Burger King in Spain, you suddenly can understand those instructions in Spanish. Or at least I found my way to the Burger King. I also learned to pronounce it the Spanish way.
I've never been to Asia, but I've got really interested in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cultures recently. I thought that Japanese might be the easiest Asian language for me to learn first, so now I've started planning a trip to Japan. It will happen once I feel that I've learned enough Japanese to get the most out of that trip!
I have lived in a couple of different countries. I've lived in England and Germany for a month, and in Finland and Scotland for years. All of those countries have a place that feels like a home to me. Sometimes I meet people in Scotland who hear that I'm a foreigner and ask me "so where's home?" They think it's a cunning way to phrase the question: "where are you from?", but I always find it a little bit insulting. Do they mean I'm not welcome here, and want me to go back where I came from? I don't want to go back. I want to find a place I belong. The question is also difficult, because I find Scotland to be my home just as much as Finland is. I'm from Finland but I live here now. And I'm not sure where I want to move next.
But okay, my home is in Europe. For now at least.
Finnish people don't make friends easily, which is kind of a problem. I have, however, met amazing people from all over the world. I wish I'd find it more natural to open up to people and actually make life-long friends and to stay in touch more.
I've always thought that the best cure for depression is to go travelling. I've never felt sad or depressed while travelling. Everything in this world is just too amazing, to feel depressed. Depression is like being stuck. If you don't realise that you're free to go and do anything, you will feel depressed. If you ever feel suicidal, just sell everything you own and use that money to go travelling. As far as possible, and you might find the reason to live again.
I love learning to get to know this planet. I want to explore my options before I decide where I want to settle down to. I feel that there's no point feeling miserable with my life, if I don't want to go and see how people live elsewhere. Maybe there's a place that is more suitable for me than the place where I'm now? And if not, there's nothing better than that feeling of coming back home.
P.S. Here's a map of the places I've conquered so far.
It's fairly Western Europe centred so far, but I'm working on it. |
I pinned these places on the TripAdvisor app on Facebook. And then I mangled it a little bit on Paint, because I hate the way Google Maps stretch the North. Unfortunately this app doesn't have all the places I've been to. I'm especially sad that North Rona is missing. But according to this app, I've visited 17 countries, which is 13% of the world. That sounds like a good start!
I honestly, don't know where I'm going next. But I like to keep my options open.
Awesome collection of dots on that map =) But what I really wanted to say was that whenever you find the means - read: money - to go to New Zealand... Go. Fly. Be booking already! I was there as an exchange student for about six week through Lions international, and it's the best thing I've ever done. Although I've been to the Alps as well, in Switzerland, and seen other beautiful sceneries around the world... I still think New Zealand was the best. And you get used to the sheep, and the accent. *grins*
That sounds amazing! I definitely will go, as soon as I find the money!
DeleteAivan ihana ja virkistävä postaus! :) Itsekkin toivon matkaavani maailmaa vielä vaikka kuinka. Seuraavaksi mahdollisesti kiinnostaisi lähteä Dubliniin tai takaisin Amsterdamiin vaikka koko kesälomaksi..
ReplyDeleteJa vaikka nyt vasta kolmatta jaksoa Dr. Whota katsonkin, kieltämättä Tardis vaikuttaa peruskätevältä vimpaimelta! :D
Kiitos! Minäkin haluaisin päästä Amsterdamissa käymään ihan kunnolla, niin että ehtisi siellä tutustua paikkoihinkin! Nyt olen van käynyt läpikulkumatkalla pari kertaa.
DeleteTosi samastuttavia kuvia oot valinnu :D Paitsi ehkä toi Japani. En oo oikeen saanu siitä kiinni.
ReplyDeleteHaha, hauska kuulla! :D Japani onkin kyllä aika oma juttunsa. En minäkään oikein sitä tyypillistä manga-anime-jpop-japani-kawaii-hypetystä kestä, mutta muuten se maa on oikein kiehtova kyllä. :)
DeleteTämä on hauska merkintä siitä, että melkein kaikki samat asiat voisin kirjoittaa. Matkustaminen on kyllä tosiaan asia, johon kannattaa käyttää rahaa. Monet ovat kyselleet, paljonko reilit ovat maksaneet. En ole oikeastaan laskenut. Ei ole kiinnostanut, oon mä joskus jonkun arvion toki osannut sanoa. Tärkeintä on ollut, että mun rahat ovat riittäneet siihen. Mustakin oli joskus kivaa katsella lomaesitteitä. Myrkystä niitä ei kyllä saanut, mutta Kristiinan R-kioskilla oli joitain... Mun vanhemmat vaan matkaili ilman mua, ja se oli musta vähän ikävää. Mutta pääsin mä sentään Ruotsissa käymään oikeastikin.
ReplyDeleteTuristioppaita on musta joskus hauska lukea, mutta ei sellaisia tarvitse. Musta on tosi hassua, kun jotkut kantaa sellaisia mukanaan matkoilla. Ehkä sellaisilla viikon lomamatkoilla se ei olisi musta niin hassua, mutta se on, kun esim. reilaajilla on sellaisia mukanaan,. Turhaa painoa! Mulla on muuten Tallinnan turistiopas, Jonna antoi mulle sen kerran lahjaksi. Mulla oli se mukana viime Tallinnan matkalla, mutten tainnut käyttää.
Ei sellaisen pakettilomankaan tarvitse olla pelkästään rannalla makoilua. Mä olen ollut sellaisella kahdesti (ja ehkä 2- vuotiaana). Egyptissä olin 13 -vuotias. Käytiin kyllä rannallakin ja se oli tosi kivaa, ja osallistuttiin turistijuttuihin: kaupunkikierrokselle ja jonnekin vuoristomikäliematkalle ja veneilyretkelle, tykkäsin kaikista. Käytiin myös itsenäisesti keskustassa hengailemassa. Oli kiva matka! Sitten Turkissa, kun olin lastenvahtina. En ollut juurikaan yksin, mutta otin aina jonkun lapsen mukaani ja lähdin seikkailemaan. Yleensä 2 -vuotiaan mun vastuulle uskotun, jota aurinkorasvasin, nesteytin ja jolle syötin jäätelöä. Sen kanssa käveltiin ympäriinsä ja välillä eksyttiin, mutta aina selvittiin. Isompien kanssa käytiin toki siellä rannallakin ja shoppailemassa. Kivaa oli myös, kun tehtiin itsenäinen retki jonnekin joelle. Tykkäsin kovasti tuosta matkasta. Kyllä menisin mielelläni uudestaankin "rantalomalle", jos vaan joku tulisi mun kanssa. Kun ainahan saa tehdä itsenäisiä juttuja vaikka koko ajan.
Ja kolmannella reilillä oli kyllä paljon rantalomailuakin. Ainakin Lissabonin lähellä Cascaisissa, Malagassa, Marseillesissa, Riminissä ja Civitavecchiassa vietettiin rantapäivät
Oh, matkailu on kyllä lempipuheenaiheitani. Kielen osaaminen olisi kyllä varmasti hyvä, mutta ei välttämätöntä. Joissain maissa tietty toisia tarpeellisempaa, ja aina se toki auttaisi kulttuurin ymmärtämisessa.
Haluaisin Aasiaan, minne vaan! Uusi -Seelanti olisi varmasti myös ihan mahtava!
Musta tuntuu Saksassa ja Belgiassa tosi kotoisalta. Saksassa kesti vähän kauemmin, varmaan siksi kun en ollut matkustellut ennen au pair -aikaani juurikaan. Belgiassa tuntui heti kodilta ja siltä, että täällä asun, heti ekana päivänä. Olin siellä toki jopa vuorokauden aiemmin viettänyt. Nyt niissä vieraillessa on tosi kotoisaa. Toisaalta muuallakin Europpassa (paitsi ehkä Romania-Bulgaria ym. seurudulla) tuntuu tosi turvalliselta ja kotoisala.
Mustakin olisi mahtavaa, jos olisi enemmän pitkäaikaisia ystäviä ja kontakteja. Mutta musta tuntuu, että sellaisia ei voi olla mahdottoman montaa. Joidenkin kanssa se yhteys vaan loppuu.
Mä luin kerran jotain artikkeleja ystävyydestä. Yhden mukaan ihmisellä voi olla korkeintaan viisi ystävää. Musta se on aika totta. Sellaista pitkäaikaista ystävää, joka on juuri sellainen, johon voi aina luottaa. Ja niin, että tunne on molemminpuolinen. Toki muita hyviä tuttavuuksia voi olla, mutta ystäviä vain viisi.
DeleteMuakin kiinnostaa mennä rantalomalle, vaikka ihan pakettimatkallekin. En ole koskaan ollut! Se olisi jännittävä kokemus varmasti, kun nyt olen vain ennakkoluuloinen, kun ei ole oikeaa kokemusta. Enkä pidä siitä, että olen ennakkoluuloinen. Tällaisesta luonteenpiirteestä olisi hyvä päästä eroon.
Mäkin tykkään turistioppaista, vaikka ne ovatkin aika hassuja usein. Mutta ei niitä kyllä mitenkään matkaillessa ehdi lukea.