Thursday, 28 November 2013

Christmas wishes?

December is a fabulous month of gift giving because almost everyone I know has a birthday then. At least that's how it feels like at the moment. That includes me as well. And then there's of course Christmas. So everyone needs to come up with a wishlist or otherwise they will get ugly and bulky things they don't need as presents.

My parents have been asking me what I would like for Christmas. I assume birthday wishes are supposed to be included in the same list, because December is joulukuu in Finnish - "Christmas Moon". The time it takes the moon - kuu - to go round the Earth is approximately a month. And once this "Death Month" - marraskuu - is over it will be time for Christmas - joulu !

So I've tried really hard to think of things I would like to receive this December. Unfortunately, I've developed a bad habit of buying all the things I would like myself. I mean, I already bought candles and a Pikachu costume, what else would I want?!

Perfect for any occasion.

I'm not really a difficult person to buy presents to. I like many things! Presents make me really happy, especially if they are useful. Things that I don't like are toffee, stupid decorative things with no real purpose apart from being in the way, and mugs. For some reason mugs are everyone's favourite thing to give. I understand this, I've given several mugs as a present, too! But I just moved to a new house and there's a shelf full of my mugs. There's 13 mugs! One of them is Laura's but all the remaining 12 are mine. And I've only bought one of them myself, the rest have been presents. If I had known this, I maybe could have left that one mug in the shop. But it came with a coaster, and I only own 3 of them. I like square ones that are not slidy and pile up nicely. So please, no more mugs, I don't have enough coasters for all of them. I also have many candles, but only one tiny plate to burn them on!

But because I felt I needed to come up with that wish list for my family, I tried to think of things that I need. It was so much easier when I was five and I was just given a toy catalogue to circle things in. 

Anyway, these are the things that would make my life nicer and easier:

Swimming costume that fits. I went swimming today and it was a real struggle to get my swimming costume on. I may have got bigger. Or maybe my current one shrank. In either case, I think I need a new swimming costume that fits. And because I like to be difficult I would like it to be a swimsuit, because I feel funny wearing a bikini at the swimming pool. Bikinis are for pool parties and the beach. Neither of which I very rarely go to. And to make this issue even more difficult I would like it to come with an integral bra support system. In my size. They are rare and expensive finds.
(Photo from

A pleasant alarm clock. It's one of the most difficult things to wake me up. I can sleep through fire alarms. And without setting an alarm, I might never wake up. I have several alarm clocks, but all of them are mean. I would like a pleasant, happy one. One that would tell me that there's a nice world out there and that if I woke up, I would get to be a part of it. 
(Photo from

Compact system camera. I love taking pictures of nice things in my life. So that I can look at them in the future and remember what my friends used to look like and where I used to live and what places I've seen. My current camera is a 6 years old digital camera, and the picture quality is not quite as high as I would like it to be. It's impossible to take nice pictures with it inside, and I really would like a better one. 
(Photo from

Chopsticks. I would like to learn to eat faster and more sophisticatedly with chopsticks. It could be made possible by having something to practise with. 
(Photo from

Medicine organiser. As I mentioned earlier this month, I take a lot of dietary supplements these days and would really like something to put them in when I go travelling. I hopefully will also get some medication that works if NHS figures out what's wrong with me. That's my hope for the next year. 
(Photo from

These five things are something that I really wish I would get.

This Christmas wishlist thing is something that is going around in many blogs, so I did it too, in case it would help me think of something I would like to get so that I would stop getting asked about it.

But it's done now, so can I now tell you how I feel about Christmas gift giving?

Mostly I find gift giving as a stressful obligation. You do it to show people that you wish to keep them in your life. Because in the future they are supposed to return a gift to you. I feel that Christmas is too materialistic with the whole compulsory gift giving. It's not the thing I care about in Christmas. At Christmas I would like time to sit in peace with people I love and have some time to think about how wonderful life is while holding a warm cup of mulled wine. That's really all I want for Christmas. This moment would also be made even more wonderful with snow, fire, Christmas music, church, candles and joulutortut.

Have you written your Christmas wishlist yet?


  1. Joulukuussa on synttärit sulla, Janikalla ja Outilla. Mun mielestä se on ihan tarpeeksi. Mulla on synttärit kyllä hyvään aikaan, kaukana joulusta. Mä en kyllä saa melkein koskaan huonoja lahjoja. Ei tule itse asiassa oikein mitään mieleen. Kaikki ovat olleet jollain tavalla hyviä. Ja yritän vältellä lahjatoiveitten kertomista, paitsi jos on jotain erityistä. Mun äiti sanoo, että se keksisi mulle aina paljon lahjoja ilman toiveita. Ostaakin kyllä aina, ja hyviä ovat. Naurattaa tuo Pikachu -asusi. Hyödylliset lahjat ovat kivoja, mutta toisaalta musta kivoimpia ovat sellaiset viihdyttävät ja ilostuttavat lahjat, joita käytän. Tai joku kokemus varsinkin tai jokin itsetehty, jokin jota on oikeasti ajateltu. Mukeja kyllä annetaan paljon, mutta tykkään niistäkin. Mulla on varmasti yli 15 mukia, mutta suurin osa niistä on Muumi -mukeja, ja tahdon lisää. Säkin olet antanut mulle kerran mukin, se on kiva. Mun tuo herätyskello joka herättää asteittain tulevalla valolla ja linnunlaululla on aika mukava. Isäni oli halunnut ostaa sen mulle. Kamera on mullakin muuten aika huono, muttei voi valittaa kun se on belgialaiselta mieheltä ilmaiseksi saatu.

    Mua hermostuttaa tosi paljon se, jos ihmiset pitävät lahjojen antamista stressaamisena. Mun mielestä se on ihanaa ja yksi parhaista joulujutuista! Mun mielestä on tosi kivaa ostella lahjoja. Ensin kiertelen kauppoja ilman mitään ajatuksia, ja keksin sitten ideoita siinä, ja yleensä kaikille keksin enemmän ostettavaa kuin mulla on varaa ostaa. On kiva paketoida lahjat ja on kiva antaa ne. On niin surullista, jos se on jollekin vain rasittava pakollinen toimenpide, koska musta se on mukavaa ja iloista. Ostan lahjoja, koska se on kivaa, ja ostan niitä sellaisille, joista tykkään, koska haluan. Toki odotan saavani myös jotain takaisin, koska se on kivaa. Mun mielestä joulu ei oikein ole joulu ilman lahjoja.

    1. Munkaan mielestä joulu ei ole joulu ilman lahjoja, koska muuten olisin varmasti ehdottanut jo sitä, ettei vaihdettaisikaan lahjoja. Joillekin ihmisille keksin vaikka mitä ilman stressiä! Sulle on itse asiassa kaikista helpointa ostaa ja Lauralle myös. Mutta silti stressaan siitä, että mitä jos ette pidäkään lahjoista. Onneksi olen aloittanut jo tässä kuussa niin ei tarvitse kaikille keksiä ihan yhdessä hetkessä. Ja ne joille en keksi mitään muuta niin ne saavat sitten kynttilöitä ja suklaata, koska ne ovat mun lempijuttuja. Se ajatus lohduttaa, koska musta tuntuu, että joillekin on mun budjetilla ihan mahdotonta ostaa mitään mikä voisi olla niistä kivaa ja tyydyttävää. Esim. pikkusiskolleni ostaa niin moni rikas jo kaikkia lahjoja. Mutta kysyin iskältä mistä se voisi tykätä.
