It's crazy o'clock and I'm drinking lumpy chocolate milk and burning a Yankee candle while I'm writing this. I just had a candlelit shower. It was awesome. I'm kind of glad this no-light-in-the-bathroom incident happened. Otherwise I would have never bothered lighting candles in the bathroom just so that I could have a shower. I feel clean and happy now.
I think this is a fantastic moment to tell you something about me. This time I'm going to tell you about my background. Me, my family, friends and my future wishes relating to family and friends. And I'm going to be using "...and that's who I am" pictures again.
Ready to find out more about me?
In case you didn't know. I got my first pair of glasses when I was 2 years old. My sight got better though, and I was able to stop wearing glasses when I was 13! That fun lasted for 11 years and now, I prefer to wear glasses again, to avoid headaches.
My parents divorced when I was 8. It was very sad then and I thought I could never believe in love again. I would leave the room if there was a love song in the radio. I wanted to live with my dad because I thought he was cooler and more adventurous, but his new relationship probably wasn't ready to have me as a burden. I got used to having two parents who wouldn't want to communicate with each other and now I get surprised when someone I meet has parents who are still together.
She's 20 years younger than me, so I haven't been able to spend much time with her. I wish that one day I will be able to properly get to know her though. Oh, and yes she's from my dad's "new relationship". They've been married for about 10 years now though.
It find it difficult to make new friends. I'm really socially awkward and shy which makes it more difficult. I'd love to be able to make new friends more easily. I love to meet new people and get to know them.
Her. Well, I can be a bit unstable sometimes, so I would definitely cry a lot and probably wouldn't be able to eat very much. I'm happy in our relationship and look forward to the future!
I've been thinking about babies a lot recently, but that might be because my body thinks it's pregnant. The doctor was surprised I'm still getting my period. But yes, I'm not pregnant, but one day I wish I'd be able to have my very own little family.
That's my main goal in life.
It's the first thing you need to do if you want to live a happy life. And I do. Why wouldn't I? After all, I'm the most important person in my life.
And the strangers often smile back. And then they smile at other people. And smiling makes people feel happier. That's how you can spread happiness around the world!
It's not too bad a life. It's small and it's mine.
I really wish this ends happily. I want my happy ever after. Oh no, is that a wedding thing? Well okay okay, I do want to get married too.
Thank you for reading this blog post. Did you learn anything new about me there? Do you like this sort of posts? I have still more saved pictures on my computer so I could make a few more and show you some more things that describe me. Would you like to read them?
Wow, really nice post :) I don´t know speak you finnish, do you :)? Your blog seems very nice and awesome :) ♥!
Thank you very much! Yes, I do speak Finnish as well as English. :)
DeleteTässä oli uusia asioita! En tiennyt, että sulla on ollut noin pienenä silmälasit ja sitten parantunut. Vaikka muista kyllä nähneeni susta lapsena silmälasipäisiä kuvia. Ehkä. Se, jossa näytit samalta kuin Nean kaveri.
ReplyDeleteEt oikein koskaan ole myöskään puhunut vanhempiesi erosta. Mua aina hämmentää vähän, että sulla on sisko, kun muistan sen asian.
Mä ystävystyn/saan kavereita tavallaan kuitenkin helposti, mutta sellaisia tilanteita on vain harvassa. Esimerkiksi, jos miettii lähihoitaja -ja toimintaterapeuttikoulujen aloitusta, niin kyllä mulla oli heti ekalla viikolla jo oma kaveri. Ryhmätilanteissa yleensä olen vaan huono siinä, mutta onneksi koulussakin on mahdollisuuksia kahdenkeskisiin tilanteisiin. Ja sohvasurffausihmiset ovat tuntuneet tosi nopeasti ihan ystäviltä.
Kyllä meidän ystävyys tulee kestämään aina!!
Mä ainakin tahdon jatko-osia :).
Oho, jotenkin ajattelin, että tässä ei olisi sulle varmaan mitään uutta. :D No nytpä tiedät näistäkin. :D Mä muistan nykyään siskoni olemassa olon paremmin, mutta on jo syytäkin kun se on kuitenkin jo yli 3½-vuotias. Se ero oli mulle kai sittenkin tosi rankka, mutta en kyllä ollut muistellut sitä yhtään, niin ei siitä ehkä hirveästi puhuttavaa ollut. Jossain vertaistukiterapiassakin kävin. :D Kiitos, olet ihana <3.
Deletetässä tulee heikosti englantia taitavalle mukavaa harjoitusta kun lukee näitä ! :) tai yrittää lukea... :D kiva blogi ! (:
ReplyDeleteKiitos paljon kehuista ja siitä, että jaksat lukea haasteellisuudesta huolimatta! :)