Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Did you just delete me on Facebook?

Well, okay, you probably didn't because this is my blog. And presumably, if you had just deleted me, then you probably wouldn't like me very much. And I don't understand why someone who doesn't even like me would want to read my blog. I would understand if I wrote about something other than my life. But because I mostly really just write about things in my life, the only reason why someone who disliked me would read my blog would be to look for some satisfaction about their life by comparing it to mine. But it would be a lot easier to do that on Facebook.

I'm glad I made sure that you're not the person who deleted me on Facebook. But isn't it annoying when you realise that someone did? Especially when you don't know who. You just know that there's someone who decided that you're not important for them and that they don't even want to know you anymore. It's possibly even more annoying than seeing that your ex-facebook-friend who you were just about to message has deleted you. It's like that, but with the added mystery.

It's sad when someone does not want to be your friend, but in that case it's just easier for me that they deleted themselves from my friend list. It saves my facebook cleaning time and I will have more time to hang out with people who want to be my friends.

This is my Bunny of Internet Connectivity.

Last month I had a chance to spend quality time with some of my favourite real life friends and I feel so happy about it! Those were the happiest moments I've lived for the past year! In this time of internet connectivity, I think I might write a blog post about those moments at some point.

Chocolate at Brown Sugar Cafe, Ballater.

In other technology news, I also bought my very first smart phone! It's pink and has internet. I'm not very good at using it yet, but I like it. It keeps me connected with my friends. On Saturday I used it to take a photo of chocolate I was about to eat so I that I could upload it on Facebook for everyone to see. I may have become one of those people. I'm okay with it. I was adviced to try and be more social. Everyone needs to start somewhere and social media seemed like a good place for that.


  1. Mäkin kyllä oon alkanut joskus poistaa joitain Facebookista. Kuten jonkun, joka oli mun kanssa yhdellä samalla kurssilla kaksi vuotta, ja en sielläkään sen kanssa puhunut. Ja jonkun jonka tapasin muutaman kerran viime vuonna Brysselissä, mutta jota tuskin enää tunnistaisin (oli toisessa flaamiryhmässä).

    Mutta joo, on silti ärsyttävää, kun tajuaa, että joku on poistanut, eikä tiedä kuka. Yleensä joku epätärkeä. Jotkut on harmittanut; vaikkei olla oltu yhteydessä, mua olisi kiinnostanut niiden kuulumiset. Mutta ajattelen, että ehkä ne haluavat pitää Facebookin vain läheisemmille ihmisille, joiden kanssa on yhteydessä.

    1. No siis oikeasti tällä kertaa tiedän, ketkä ovat poistelleet. Facebookista poistamisessa surullisilta on ehkä se, että se on sellainen päätös, että on sitä mieltä, ettei enää koskaan aio olla niiden kanssa tekemisissä. Oon toki itsekin poistellut juuri jotain sellaisia, joita en oikein edes tiedä, keitä ne ovat. Vanhoja luokkalaisiani taas en ole koskaan poistellut, mutta ne kyllä poistelevat mua ahkerasti. Mutta osa tosiaan haluaa pitää vain lähimmät ystävänsä Facebookissa. Eri ihmiset käyttävät Facebookia aika eri tavalla.
