Sunday, 15 September 2013

Moving on

Hello blog!

I'm writing (again) because I'm meant to be packing (again). Years ago, I wrote blog posts about how to pack. The reason why I wrote those was to inspire myself, because I really suck at packing. Mostly my strategy for packing is the following: 

1. Wait until I have only 20 minutes before my train leaves. 
2. Throw everything into a backpack. 
3. Realise that the backpack is too small.
4. Stuff the rest of the stuff into three smaller backs.
5. Somehow fasten all the bags around me.
6. Run to the train station.
7. Realise that I forgot pants, toothbrush, etc.

But this time the occasion for packing is different. This time I have to pack everything! 

I'm getting keys for a new flat tomorrow. It's like getting keys for my future life. 

Went for a flat viewing.

The reason why I originally started looking for a new place is that my landlord is going to sell the flat I'm living in. I had some time to mentally prepare for this, because my previous flatmate, who also happens to be the daughter of my landlord, warned me that her parents might want to sell the flat when she spontaneously moved to Switzerland after love.

Now, however, I am looking forward to getting away from this place, because this is where I experienced the suckiest year of my life. It has absolutely nothing to do with this flat, my ex flatmate or my landlord - they were all absolutely wonderful! I'm not moving anywhere as extreme as Switzerland - I'm only moving to the other side of the city, but the idea of getting out of here sounds relieving. It's like a whole new adventure!

This time, instead of living alone, I'm going to live with my girlfriend. We're going to be sambos - like they say in Sweden! I had to register that with the government, because my funding form asked for it. It felt fairly official. And as an added bonus, we're going to get a pet! My friend Kata is coming back to town!

Perhaps, technically she should be called a flatmate.

We're going to have a backyard, 2 coffee machines, a leather sofa (like Kata wanted), a hob and a roof over our heads. My favourite supermarket is going to be behind the corner and my least favourite street is going to be very far away. 

I will also have to register with a new General Practice. I'm hoping there will be more competent doctors than at my current one. I've had enough of these health problems and doctors who just keep giving me antidepressants and testing me for pregnancy and chlamydia. At least I can safely say, that I don't have STIs or people growing inside me. And I am not so depressed about it that I would need antidepressants for it. I just feel like they have wasted quite a lot of tax payers money on testing it when I could have just told them that I don't. And I still don't feel okay. I feel better than I did a year ago, but worse than two years ago. And I want to get fixed. I hope that my new GP will actually listen to me.

So new keys, new drugs, new housemates, new neighbourhood - here I come! After I get my suitcases packed.


  1. Mun mielestä pakkaaminen on kivaa. Joskus en malta odottaa sitä osiota, esimerkiksi reilille mennessä. Suunnittelen jo kauan etukäteen ja tekisi mieli jo laittaa ne vaatteet sinne rinkkaan tosi aikaisin, vaikkei ihan niin aikaisin kannata. Muuttopakkaaminen on tosin eri juttu. Mutta sekin on aika kivaa, vaikka jossain vaiheessa alkaa hermostuttaa.

    Eri paikassa asuminen samassa kaupungissa on virkistävää. Löytää uusia asioita ja näkökulmia.

    Lemmikki :D.

    Mikä on sun vähiten suosikkikatu ja miksi?

    1. En pidä King Streetistä, koska se on tylsä, suora ja tosi meluisa, kun siinä ajaa kauheasti rekkoja ja busseja. Siinä ei voi kulkea ystävän kanssa ja keskustella mukavasti, kun pitää huutaa, että kuulee mitään ja tuntuu siltä, että sellainen liikenteen melu lisää jotain stressihormoneja kehooni. Lisäksi, siinä ei saa silmille mitään virkistävää stimulaatiota, kun sen varrella ei ole oikeastaan mitään näkemisen arvoista. Ei ole puita tai kauniita taloja.
