So, moving house
happened. Life's looking a lot brighter now! About a week ago we packed our bags and moved to our new place. Instead of broken glass on the street and seagulls screaming outside that we had at the old place, we now see snails on the road outside our house and there are bunnies jumping around in our backyard.
Our fellow resident. |
Moving house was really exciting. Unfortunately all of our stuff did not fit into a suitcase. We did a few trips with bags and suitcases, but last weekend I hired a van, so that we could move rest of our stuff. I miss driving. I would like to be able to drive more. Then I might get better at it and stop worrying about it so much. But having a car made moving a lot easier than shifting all of our stuff on a public transport. I'm not an expert house-mover, and I actually kind of hate moving. But it's probably because I have more stuff than I would like to. But I own too many things that I don't want to throw away. Having my own museum would be useful. All the things, I don't actively want to have in my life could go there. Like weird presents and old school books that might come in handy one day.
But now when the move is almost done, I like knowing exactly what I have. Some things have gone missing, but I've found things that I didn't know I had. I didn't know I had 10 toothbrushes or chopsticks! Okay, the chopsticks look kind of disposable and I have probably nicked them from a Chinese restaurant when I ended up using a fork and decided that I should really practise using chopsticks at home before I end up in an Asian restaurant the next time. I have since then realised that you can just stab the food with one stick and use the other to pretend that you are eating with them sophisticatedly.
Since moving to the new place, a thought has occurred to me. I realised that some of my headaches and migraines might be caused by my sight. I went to see an optician, and my sight hasn't actually changed too much, but enough to get new glasses. So now I'm going to get new glasses too! My girlfriend thinks they look too hipster. But she's going to get glasses I won't like, so it's all even. That's what relationships are about - compromises and making sure all the feelings are mutual.
I have also been wondering about how I don't know when to come out to people. When should I and when shouldn't I? Does anyone know? Because I am really not sure.
Is it appropriate to tell strangers that I have a girlfriend? For instance, when an optician asks about my week, is it acceptable to talk about putting furniture together with my girlfriend? For some reason, I feel that she might not want to hear about it – that she might see it as something too private. But if it was a boyfriend I was putting furniture together with, I maybe would not feel that it would be too much information to the poor optician. But why should homosexuality be more private than heterosexuality? And what about when she's just assumed to be my friend? When, for instance, a waiter asks me about “my friend's order”, should I tell them that she's actually my girlfriend? Or would that be rude? Should I just settle for people assuming that I'm out with a friend? I mean, girlfriend is still a friend, right?
This is probably something that is not only a problem same-sex couples have. – Or at least I hope that people don't assume anymore that when a boy and a girl are seen together that they are automatically a couple. But what do you think?
Coming out is... dependant on the situation, and the cuple. But, I wouldn't really worry about an opticians or a waiters feelings that much :D
ReplyDeleteMen and women don't seem to go out together as friends anymore, so I think people have often assumed me to be together with female friends. And I have sometimes corrected people, who have assumed me to be together with female friends, I've they've voiced the assumption. Otherwise, I don't really worry about making it clear whether or not I'm together with someone. (Kissing and holding hands though, seem to be good indications of a relationship, for most people).
A personal museum sound nice, as do chopsticks. :)
Mä muutin kerran Natalian kanssa Marian tavarat meiltä YO -kylään bussilla. Onneksi se oli vaihtarina, niin ei ollut niin hirveästi tavaroita, mutta kyllä meitä kaikkia tarvittiin eikä se helppoa ollut.
ReplyDeleteMua pelottaa vähän aina, kun ajan autolla. Siitä huolimatta, että ajan lähinnä vain Myrkyn lähistöllä.
Mun mielestä muuttaminen on mukavaa. Äitiä ahdisti tammikuussa mun muutto kovasti, ja mä vain selitin, että kivaahan se on. Tosin se tavarapaljous kyllä ahdistaa muakin paljon. Mutta oli tosi kivaa, kun kävin läpi tammikuussa kaikki elokuussa pakkaamani epämääräiset pussi ja heitin turhat pois. En tajua, miten tavaroita on niin paljon. Oli myös kivaa auttaa Jonnaa muuttamisessa!
Turussa on sellainen museo, jonka joku perhe joskus tahtoi museoksi niiden kuoltua. Onko outojen lahjojen joukossa jotain multa saatua :D? Yleensä annan hyviä lahjoja, mutta myös tosi outoja.
Mun mielestä on ihan ok, jos kerrot optikolle tuollaisia. Ja tuo tarjoilijatapaus...En mä tiedä, ei sitä mun mielestä siinä kohtaa välttämättä tarvitse kertoa. Tietty tarjoilijoiden on turvallisempaa olettaa, että on tyttöystävä. Ehkä jos on joku hieno ravintola ja kolmen ruokalajin ruokailu niin sitten voit kertoa, kun se tarjoilija tulee varmaan monta kertaa käymään. :D Mutta en mä tiedä. Kerro jos susta tuntuu hyvältä. Mutta ei se ole ehkä oleellinen tieto muuten. Musta tuntuu, että jos on jonkun miehen seurassa, ihmiset kyllä helposti olettavat pariksi. Katselevat merkitsevästi jne. Saattaa kyllä olla, että kuvittelenkin.
Hmm, no ne jännät lahjat löytyvät aina yllättävillä hetkillä. :D Mutta hiljattain näkemiäni sun antamia on tällaisia: olohuoneen ovessa roikkuu tällä hetkelllä sun antama kruunu, keittiön kaapissa on sun antama jääpalamuotti ja olohuoneen kaapissa on sun antama runokirja. Viimeinen on kyllä ehkä jo ihan normaali, mutta sen näin viimeksi ja se oli sellainen muutossa tilaa vievä asia. Noista mikään ei ehkä ole elämisen kannalta elintärkeä, mutta ne piristävät sitä huomattavasti.
DeleteKertomisessa on se, että en haluaisi millään tavalla häiritä ihmisiä kertomalla tällaista turhaa infoa niille, mutta en myöskään haluaisi aina vain tyytyä siihen, että ihmiset olettavat, että olemme vain kaveruksia.