Thursday, 17 November 2011

Less than a month left

Hello people!

As you can see, I changed my blog background, isn't it magical? Seriously, let me know if it's too bright, too dark or in some other way irritating.

Okay, and to the topic, I have less than a month left. After that I can get my life back, move into a closet and feel like a Harry Potter. But before that I have to write 10,000 words about how amazing Greenland is. I hate writing posts relating to my dissertation, but it is the biggest thing I've have to do in my life so far. If I will ever end up having a baby, I would probably blog about that too. But because a dissertation is a lot less exciting than a baby, I will try and not blog too much about it. But today it felt important to tell you that I have less than a month to go before the deadline because it is due 16th December. I wish I had more time and more motivation. I look forward to having it handed in. I hope I will get it handed in.

And yes, now when I have updated you with all that, never ever ask me how it is going. I will tell you if I feel like talking about it. But you will be happy to hear that, (unfortunately to me, for now) there are many more delightful topics to talk about. For instance, some of my recent favourite topics are: burlesque, candy floss, hot water bottles, pokémons, transgenderism, chocolate, lingerie, my belated surprise birthday party that you will organise, cats, awesome food, Doctor Who, Finland's presidential election, vodka, ironing, vitamins I should take, pretty people, your wedding, and the day when it's not normal for me to be awake at 3:30 in the morning. What are yours?

Happy second half of November to you, enjoy hot chocolate or large cups of tea and good luck with whatever you're struggling in your life right now!


  1. 1) Doctor Who - Whoop whoop!
    2) 'a' Harry Potter... is there more than one?
    3) How can it be a belated birthday suprise party if your birthday isn't until December? Or are you predicting that it will have to be late due to the dissertation?
    4) Watch out for your/you're distinction in final sentence
    5) My recent topics of conversation:
    - Prayer is like sex
    - Gin is the ultimate spirit... apart from the Holy Spirit
    - Language is cool
    - mmm... gin

    6) Good luck with dissertation!

  2. Tuo tausta on ihan kiva. Ei mulla ole mitään tuollaisia puheenaiheita. Puhun mitä sattuu, siitä mitä sattuu. Ja siitä että mun nilkkaan sattuu.
