Monday, 26 May 2014

My home ♥


I hope you're all doing amazing and enjoying the summer weather I've heard so much about. Apparently it's been about 30°C in Finland. It's about 9°C here and raining. That corresponds to my mood perfectly.

I've been sad recently.

We moved. I don't really feel at home at the new place. It smells funny and just doesn't feel right. It's bad. It was supposed to be everything we wanted. It's right next to university so it's perfect for Laura. And it's not even at the beach side that I dislike so much because I hate the monster seagulls and the stupid street where all the lorries drive like crazy. It's close to my bus stop so that I can get to work easily. It has a bath and our room is big enough to fit most of our stuff and our desks.

But I just don't like it and I don't know why. I miss my home. The old place. I'm there now. We still have it for a couple of weeks. This was my home. The best home I've ever had. All the bunnies and happiness are here. I'm not sure if there's anything at the new place.

But I guess while I'm weeping over the old place, I'd show you what it looks like.

Welcome to my home tour! This is the corridor. Front door on the left and the cupboard door on the right. It was a good place to hang jackets. The corridor also had the best mirror so that's where I put my make up on.

Laura wanted to have a bus ticker on the corridor wall. Instead of stealing one from our bus stop, she made one herself. She updates it sometimes with new features, the newest one being the weather. Check out a typical Scottish weather. First it's sunny, and soon it's pouring. You always have to be prepared for everything. But now I can actually know whether I need an umbrella immediately when I leave the house without needing to open the door. Or the curtains. 

I'll skip the bathroom this time, because I already showed it to you in candlelight.

This is our bedroom. You might think that you can't see all of it in this picture, but actually, this is pretty much all of it. There is a small wardrobe facing the bed, but you can see the other one on the left of the bed and the chest of drawers that you can almost open on the right. That's it, no more room for anything else but the bed. You can also see that I was feeling very interior designerish one day, and bought this bedsheets, and the matching cushion. I'm also starting to like London. One day I will tell you about all the things I have discovered I like about London.

This is our living room. It's where we do our living. It never looks this clean. Normally it's covered in laptops, sweetie wrappers and unopened letters.

This is where we watch TV. Except it's not a real TV. It's a computer screen, but we like to pretend that it's a TV. Sometimes we play Play Station games too. Also, we can never find those coasters underneath all the stuff we normally keep on the coffee table.

I also really like that shelf-thingie. I burn candles there although my safety causous mother told me not to. It's also a perfect place to keep my wine and champagne glasses. It makes me feel like a fancy sophisticated person.

Oh, and look at the kitchen!

We had a guest around once who said it was small. I never invited him over again. I don't find it small. And if I'm awake at day-time the window lets a lot of sunlight in, and it's fantastic. the cooker is very good and efficient and the washing machine works well, and there's even space for a small coffee maker. And you can fit three people in as long as all the people in there are happy to be in there. There's also a microwave and a bunny, but I already showed you them in my "decoration tips" post.

I'm really going to miss this place.

Bye bye, bunnies.  ♥


  1. Oi ompa kotoisen näköinen koti!:-D
    ja mukavan olonen blogi muutenkin:)

    1. Kiitos! Taidamme sittenkin jäädä tänne asuntoon, purin juuri tuon uuden sopimuksen. :)

  2. just kotoisan näkönen :3!
    ja ihana tää sun tausta!
    toivottavasti tykkäilet :3
