Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Birthday time!


There's this thing that happens every year that is a good excuse to have a fun day. It's when we finally get to tell people how old we actually are. And then for the rest of the year you are expect to round down to that number. Last Sunday I finally reached the age of 24,00 years, and many people wished me to have a fun day and and a wonderful year. It was amazing to see so many people write on my Facebook wall just to wish me a happy birthday! And to get some text messages and cards too.

So, I thought I'd tell you how I spent that day!

This picture is not foggy, it's just demonstrating how sleepy we felt on the bus.

Obviously, the day started by getting woken up by a beautiful girl to realise that it was my birthday and that I was wearing a ball dress. That's how birthday's should start right? No need to do anything to your face because, magically, your make-up is already on, and a fairy godmother enchanted you into a fabulous dress.

Well, okay, I had come home from a Dance Festival's after party 5 hours earlier and fallen asleep on the sofa in full gear. That's what three glasses of vodka sometimes does to you.

But it was all okay, and I had a shower and got ready, and then Laura and I jumped on a bus and headed to cinema to watch Nativity 2: Danger in Manger!.

It has two of my favourite actors in it: David Tennant and Joanna Page.

Just watching David Tennant makes me happy, but adding Joanna Page, cute kids singing funny Christmas songs and a real donkey made it absolutely worth it to get up early and go see it at 10am.


After watching the film about a bunch of kids travelling to Wales, we headed to an Irish pub in town. I had booked a table, but we had some confusion with the name it was under. But after we realised that instead of Tia-Maria, the table was reserved for Tia Mallo - we found our table. Because obviously many people want to book a table in an Irish pub at the opening time on a Sunday.

I got some presents! It was very exciting.

What is round and has a trunk? I bet you'll never guess what this is.

There's also this film clip of me looking at a present. I tried to add some subtitles too, because the pub was a bit noisy. I hope the video works.

I've never tried to edit an video, because I've always thought it's very difficult, and haven't even tried because I've been too scared of embarrassing myself. Maybe I'll try one day, if I get a camera I can film with.

I got a text message from a mystery person, letting me know that he couldn't make it.

Then there was food! Laura and I had half a burger each, because we had taken our breakfast to the cinema and weren't super-hungry yet. But Liz was hungrier.

The Ultimate Burger.

She ordered an Ultimate Burger. This is what you get in pubs when you feel very hungry. It has everything you can order in a pub in one burger.

But no one knows how it's meant to be eaten.

After lunch we went ice skating, but unfortunately there's no pictures from there, because everyone was silly enough to leave our camera phones in the car. But it was fun to get on ice again! I would like to go there again soon. Would anyone like to come with me? I'll try and take some pictures next time too!

It was a fun day! It wasn't a super-amazing party, but I got to eat a lot, and I got lots of eating related things as a present: frying pan, pancake mix, maple syrup, bowls and chopsticks! I also got to spend time with awesome people and to laugh and practise my favourite sport! 
And by favourite, I mean the only one I like.


  1. Facebook -viestit ovat yksi paras juttu syntymäpäivässä! Tosi aikainen elokuva-aika kyllä. Mäkin haluaisin luistelemaan. Kuulostaa hyvältä päivältä :).

    1. En ollut koskaan ennen ollut niin aikaisessa näytöksessä, mutta se elokuva oli kyllä niin sen arvoinen! Mennäänkö luistelemaan, kun tulen Suomeen?
