Saturday, 26 October 2013

Jonna's Challenge

This blog post will be very different from my other posts. I will take part in a blog challenge where I have to answer some questions and also come up with some questions. I've seen these challenges in other people's blogs, but I've never been challenged before. This time my friend Jonna challenged me though! I will tell you more about her and how we met in a separate friend post that I will write at some point in the future. Thank you for the challenge, Jonna!

The Challenge
  • tell 11 things about themselves
  • answer the 11 questions asked
  • ask 11 new questions
  • challenge some bloggers

Sometimes we end up singing karaoke together.

11 things about me:

  • I never thought I would learn English.
  • I have an amazing little goddaughter I've always wanted.
  • My sister is 20 years younger than me.
  • I used to hate anything pink or leopard print but now I love them.
  • I like to cook without using a cook book.
  • I prefer savoury things over cakes.
  • I don't own trousers.
  • I'm a moisturiser-junkie.
  • I wish I had a friend whom I could visit at any time without notice.
  • I prefer chocolate as chocolate, I don't like it in doughs.
  • I can't say which one influenced my life more: theatre or Harry Potter.

Fun times hanging out at Kupittaa station last summer.

Jonna's questions:

1. The best home-cooked meal?
- New potatoes, fish in cream sauce and fresh salad!

2. Are pets family members or just pets?
- I just finished watching a Japanese drama series “Kimi wa petto” where a lady finds a young man on her doorstep in a box, and takes him to live with her as a pet. I could maybe do something like that. But I guess it depends on the pet and how big a role the pet has in your life. I don't have any pets at the moment, because my cat lives in Finland with my mum. But I see pets more as family members than “just pets”.

3. Are you going to celebrate Halloween?
- Yes! My costume arrived today.

4. Are you a “Christmas person”?
- I wish I would be. I've always kind of disliked Christmas though. It's a stressful time, because everyone wants to make it perfect. It used to be exciting when I was little and I didn't have to be stressed out about it yet. The past 3 years have been enjoyable because I've spent them with a friend's family. This year will be different though, and I really hope it would be happy. Maybe I will become a “Christmas person”.

5. When you were little, what did you hope to become when you grow up?
- When I was 5 I said I would become a “circus animal trainer” when I grow up. That's probably not going to happen.

6. Your favourite clothes?
- I got this dress from a friend. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to wear it... I thought that it might be okay for gym if I'd ever go... Or maybe I'd wear it at the summerhouse when I go rowing?

There should be more dresses with pockets!

But now it's my favourite! That dress is so comfortable and it's a good length and even has pockets!

7. Could you start a relationship with someone only because they are famous?
- No. It sounds I would only do it to become famous myself, and not even because of something I've done.

8. The stupidest TV-program?
- I don't actually own a TV, so I only watch the programs that are not stupid. But maybe "shopping channel" is quite a stupid program? :D

9. Favourite celebrity cook?
- I don't like cooking programs, but I used to watch Jamie Oliver because I liked his accent and the way he just to say "lovely" all the time.

10. Blue cheese – do you love it or hate it?
- My flatmate Kata has some in the fridge. It stinks. So yeah, I don't like the cheese but I do like Kata.

11. A song that makes you happy?
- Definitely Sallan ja Miron matka maailman ympäri - Tarinoita. I even blogged about it! 

But if I need to mention a song I haven't mentioned her before  this:

I bought her album Prism yesterday.

I would like to challenge LauraTiia, Neiti MuirKirsten and anyone who reads this and feels inspired to do this as well.

Questions for people I challenge:

1. What 3 beauty products do you use every day?
2. If your favourite celebrity would come over for tea, what would you cook?
3. If you could become fluent in one new language without having to learn it, what language would you choose and why?
4. Where would you like to go for your honeymoon?
5. What song makes you happy?
6. What hot drink do you order in cafes?
7. What house would you belong to in Hogwarts?
8. Who is your favourite celebrity hottie?
9. What's your favourite outfit at the moment?
10. What would you like to have achieved in 3 years time?
11. What advice would you give for people who have a difficult day today?


  1. Toi kuva, mä näytän niin hassulta (oikeen hukkapätkä) :D En näytä yhtään itseltäni (okei sukkikset on mun)

    1. Oli niin mahtava teema kyllä! Välillä on kiva olla erilainen kuin tavallisesti :)

  2. Mua on haastettu aika monesti tähän :D. Mutta voin vastata noihin sun kysymyksiin jonkun postauksen lopuksi. Tai omakakin. Kerran kerroin lisäksi nuo 11 asiaa itsestäni, kertaakaan en ole ketään haastanut. Voi kun mä en oikein juhlinut Halloweenia. Kun en tajunnut perjantainakaan mitään laittaa, harmitti sitten, kun olin baarissa :(. Että olisi voinut. Ehkä ensi vuonna. Mun mielestä joulusta on tosi turhaa stressata. Mä tykkään jouluvalmisteluista!

    Oon kyllä sitä mieltä, että tuo mun ja Jonnan eriparikenkäisyys oli tosi kivaa!

    1. Niin kerroitkin, mutta keksin niin hölmöjä kysymyksiä, että halusin haastaa sut vastaamaan niihin. :D Mulla on ehkä jotain joulutraumoja, mutta halausin kyllä olla niin jouluihminen!
